The Novels |
The Colour of Magic (Die Farben der Magie) 1983
On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, explosive,
wickedly eccentric expedition sets out. There's an avaricious but inept wizard, a naive
tourist whose luggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons who only exist if you
believe in them, and of course THE EDGE of the planet ...
Colin Smythe (1983/Hardcover) 0-86140-089-5, cover art by Alan Smith [out of print]
Colin Smythe (1989/Hardcover) 0-86140-324-X, cover art by Josh Kirby
Colin Smythe (1999/Hardcover) 0-86140-421-1, omnibus with The Light Fantastic
Corgi (1985/Paperback) 0-552-12475-3
Corgi (1990/Paperback) 0-552-12848-1
Heyne (1985/Paperback) 3-442-23869-2, as "Die Farben der Fantasie", trans. Dagmar Hartman [out of print]
Heyne (1992/Paperback) 3-453-05860-7
Heyne (1995/Paperback) 3-453-08974-X, Omnibus with "Soucery" [Der Zauberhut]
The Light Fantastic (Das Licht der Fantasie) 1986
As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the
Discworld has only one possible saviour. Unfortunately, this happens to be the singulary
inept and cowardly wizard called Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the
Colin Smythe (1986/Hardcover) 0-86140-203-0
Colin Smythe (1999/Hardcover) 0-86140-421-1, omnibus with "The Color of Magic"
Corgi (1986/Paperback) 0-552-12848-1
Heyne (1989/Paperback) 3-453-03450-3
Heyne (1999/Paperback) 3-453-16280-3
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17059-8
Equal Rites (Das Erbe des Zauberers) 1987
Predicting his own death, the wizard Drum Billet sets out to pass on his power and his staff to his
predicted successor, the eighth son of an eighth son. But there is a problem. The eighth son turns
out to be a daughter, and women aren't supposed to be wizards. ("Where does it say women can't be
wizards?" "It doesn't say it anywhere, it says it everywhere.") But it's too late: Eskarina
inherits the wizard's staff, and with the reluctant help of the witch
Granny Weatherwax sets out to learn her new calling.
Victor Gollancz (1987/Hardcover) 0-575-03950-7 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1995/Miniature-Hardcover) 0-575-06166-9
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-06410-2
Corgi (1987/Paperback) 0-552-13105-9
Heyne (1990/Paperback) 3-453-03451-1 |
Mort (Gevatter Tod) 1987
Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job. After being assured
that being dead was not compulsory, Mort accepted. However, he soon found that romantic
longings did not mix easily with the responsibilities of being Death's apprentice...
Mort is an unpromising, gangling teenager who becomes as apprentice to Death, but proves less
than gifted at his new task of ushering souls out of the world. In fact, when it comes to the
rather attractive Princess Keli (due to be assassinated) Mort fluffs it completely. He kills the
assassin instead, thus interfering with the implacable workings of Fate. But reality isn't changed
so easily; history as it should have been begins to take shape around Keli's city-state of Sto Lat.
Can Mort save Keli before she is squeezed out of existence?
Death, having delegated much of his work to Mort, is displaying disturbingly human characteristics:
drinking, dice-playing and becoming curious about the nature of fun. Mort, meanwhile, is
becoming much less cheery and showing a worrying tendency to SPEAK IN HOLLOW CAPITALS...
Victor Gollancz (1987/Hardcover) 0-575-04171-4 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1995/Miniature-Hardcover) 0-575-06167-7
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-06408-0
Corgi (1988/Paperback) 0-552-13106-7
Heyne (1990/Paperback) 3-453-04290-5
Heyne (1995/Paperback) 3-453-08850-6
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17060-1 (announced 09/00)
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-16879-8 (announced 10/00), Omnibus with "Guards! Guards" [Wachen! Wachen!]
Sourcery (Der Zauberhut) 1988
There was an eighth son of an eighth son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it
should have ended. However (for resons we'd better not go into), he had seven sons. And
then he had an eighth son... a wizard squared ... a source of magic ... a Sourcerer.
A sourcerer is born - a wizard so powerful that by comparison all other magic is just mucking around
in pointy hats. And his very existence brings the Discworld, which is of course flat and rides through
space on the back of an enormous turtle, to the very verge of all-out thaumaturgical war.
All that stands in the way is Rincewind, the failed magician, who wants to save the world, or at least
that part of it which contain him. More new characters join the Discworld adventure: Conina the
barbarian hairdresser, Nijel the Destroyer (whose mother still makes him wear woolly underwear) and
possibly the first yuppie genie, who's into lamps as a growth area.
Victor Gollancz (1988/Hardcover) 0-575-04217-6 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-06409-9
Corgi (1989/Paperback) 0-552-13107-5
Heyne (1990/Paperback) 3-453-04300-6 [out of print]
Heyne (1995/Paperback) 3-453-08974-X, Omnibus with "Die Farben der Magie" [The Colour of Magic]
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17063-6
Wyrd Sisters (MacBest) 1988
Witches are not by their nature gregarious, and they certainly don't have leaders. Granny
Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn't have. But even she
found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more difficult than certain playwrights
would have you believe ...
Kingdoms wobble, crowns topple and knives flash on the magical Discworld as the statutory three
witches meddle in royal politics. But Granny Weatherwax (of Equal Rites) and her fellow coven
members find it's all a lot more difficult than playwrights would have you believe ...
Everything you'd expect is here - hunchbacked kings, lost crowns and disguised heirs. And they are
joined by things you haven't heard of yet, like a stage-struck thunderstorm and the first recorded
instance of the in-flight refuelling of a broomstick. Through it all the wyrd sisters
("This cauldron's got all yuk in it!") battle against frightful odds to put the rightful king on the
throne. At least, that's what they think. . .
Victor Gollancz (1988/Hardcover) 0-575-04363-6 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-06411-0
Corgi (1989/Paperback) 0-552-13460-0
Heyne (1992/Paperback) 3-453-05408-3
Heyne (1997/Paperback) 3-453-12327-1, Omnibus with "Pyramiden" [Pryramids]
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17062-8 (announced 09/00)
Pyramids (Pyramiden) 1989
Being trained by the Assassin's Guild in Ankh-Morpork did not fit Teppic for the task
assigned to him by fate. He inherited the throne of the desert kingdom of Djelibeybi
rather earlier than he expected (his father wasn't too happy about it either), but that
was only the beginning of his problems ...
It isn't easy, being a teenage pharoah. You're not allowed to carry money, uninhibited young women
peel your grapes for you, everyone thinks you're responsible for making the sun rise and the corn grow,
you keep dreaming about seven thin cows and seven fat cows and, on top of everything else, the Great
Pyramid has just exploded because of paracosmic instability.
And then you've got to deal with all these assassins, sphinxes, huge wooden horses, mad high priests,
philosophers, sacred crocodiles, gods, marching mummies, jobbing pyramid builders and Hat, the
Vulture-Headed God of Unexpected Guests.
And all you really wanted was the chance to do something for young
people and the inner cities.
Victor Gollancz (1989/Hardcover) 0-575-04463-2 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1997/Hardcover) 0-575-06484-6
Corgi (1990/Paperback) 0-552-13461-9
Heyne (1990/Paperback) 3-453-04505-X
Heyne (1997/Paperback) 3-453-12327-1, Omnibus with "MacBest" [Wyrd Sisters]
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17062-8 (announced 09/00)
Guards! Guards! (Wachen! Wachen!) 1989
This is where the dragons went. They lie... not dead, not asleep, but... dormant. And
although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in
tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were
huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there's a key.
"Of all the cities in the world it could have flown into, it flew into mine ..."
Some night-time prowler is turning the citizens of Ankh-Morpork, greatest city of the fantasy
Discworld, into something resembling small charcoal biscuits. And that's a real problem for Captain
Vimes of the City Watch, who must tramp the mean streets of the city searching for a seventy
foot-long fire-breathing dragon which, he believes, can help him with their enquiries.
In a city thrown into turmoil by magic, charcoal biscuits, secret societies and mad lady dragon
breeders ("Just tell him sit if he's bothering you"), he's just looking for the facts.
Victor Gollancz (1989/Hardcover) 0-575-04606-6
Victor Gollancz (1989/Hardcover) 0-575-06485-4
Corgi (1990/Paperback) 0-552-13462-7
Heyne (1991/Paperback) 3-453-05029-0
Heyne (199?/Paperback) 3-453-15220-4
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17057-1 (announced 09/00)
Heyne (2000/Paperback) 3-453-16879-8 (announced 10/00), Omnibus with "Gevatter Tod" [Mort]
Eric (Eric) 1990
Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. Pity he's not very good at it. All he
wants is three wishes granted. Nothing fancy - to be immortal, rule the world, have the
most beautiful woman in the world fall madly in love with him, the usual stuff. But
instead of a tractable demon, he calls up Rincewind, probably the most incompetent wizard
in the universe, and the extremely intractable and hostile form of travel
accessory known as the Luggage. With them on his side, Eric's in for a ride through space
and time that is bound to make him wish (quite fervently) again - this time that he'd
never been born.
Gollancz (1990) 0-575-04636-8 (Hardcover/Illustriert) [out of print]
Gollancz (1990) 0-575-06836-0 (Hardcover/Illustriert) [out of print]
Gollancz & Corgi (1991) 0-575-05191-4 (Paperback/nicht Illustriert) [out of print]
Vista & Gollancz (1996) 0-575-60001-2 (Paperback/nicht Illustriert)
Heyne (1992) 3-453-06234-5 (Paperback/Illustriert) |
Moving Pictures (Voll im Bilde) 1990
Cameras roll - which means the imps inside have to paint _really fast_ - in the fantastic Discworld
when the alchemists discover the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy
Wood hill? As the alien clich‚s of Tinsel Town pour into the world, it's up to the Disc's first film
stars to find out ...
THRILL as Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance. Can handle a sword a little") and Theda Withel
("I come from a little town you've probably never even heard of") battle the forces of evil
and cinema advertising ...
SCREAM as Gaspode the Wonder Dog nearly saves the day ...
EAT POPCORN as you watch the filming of `Blown Away', the oddest Civil War picture ever made ...
A Passionate Saga Set Against the Background of a World Gone Mad!
This Will Amaze You! With a Thousand Elephants!
("And afterwards, why not dine at Harga's House of Ribs, for the best in international cuisine;
only two minutes from this book ...")
Victor Gollancz (1990/Hardcover) 0-575-04763-1
Victor Gollancz (1997/Hardcover) 0-575-06486-2
Corgi (1991/Paperback) 0-552-13463-5
Goldmann (1993/Paperback) 3-442-41543-8
Goldmann (1998/Paperback) 3-442-42129-2
Reaper Man (Alles Sense!) 1991
Death is missing - presumed ... er ... gone. Which leads to the kind of chaos to always
expect when an important public service is withdrawn. Ghosts and poltergeists fill up the
Discworld. Dead Rights activist Reg Shoe - "You Don't Have to Take This Lying
Down" - suddenly has more work than he had ever dreamed of. And newly deceased wizard
Windle Poons wakes up in his coffin to find that he has come back as a corpse. But it's up
to Windle and the members of Ankh-Morpork's rather unfrightening group of undead (*) to
save the world for the living. Meanwhile, on a little farm far, far away, a tall, dark
stranger is turning out to be really good with a scythe. There's a harvest to be got in.
And a different battle to be fought.
(*) Arthur Winkings, for example, became a vampire after being bitten by a lawyer.
Schleppel the bogeyman would be better at his job if he wasn't agoraphobic and frightened
of coming out of the closet. And Mr Ixolite is a banshee with a speech impediment, so
instead of standing on the roof and screaming when there's a death in the house he writes
"OooEeeOooEeeOoo" on a piece of paper and pushes it under the door.
Victor Gollancz (1991/Hardcover) 0-575-04979-0 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1997/Hardcover) 0-575-06483-8
Corgi (1992/Paperback) 0-552-13464-3
Goldmann (1994/Paperback) 3-442-41551-9
Goldmann (1998/Paperback) 3-442-42130-6
Witches Abroad (Total verhext) 1991
It seemed an easy job ... After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a servant
girl doesn't marry a prince? But for the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and
Magrat Garlick, travelling to the distant city of Genua, things are never that simple ...
For one thing, all they've got is Mrs Gogol's voodoo, a one-eyed cat and a second-hand
magic wand that can only do pumpkins. And they're up against the malignant power of the
Godmother herself, who has made Destiny an offer it can't refuse. And finally there's the
sheer power of the Story. Servant girls have to marry the Prince. That's what
life is all about. You can't fight a Happy Ending. At least - up until now ...
Victor Gollancz (1991/Hardcover) 0-575-04980-4 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1997/Hardcover) 0-575-06580-X
Corgi (1992/Paperback) 0-552-13465-1
Goldmann (1994/Paperback) 3-442-41557-8
Goldmann (1998/Paperback) 3-442-42131-4
Small Gods (Einfach Göttlich) 1992
Brutha is the Chosen One. His god has spoken to him, admittedly while currently in the
shape of a tortoise. Brutha is a simple lad. He can't read. He can't write. He's pretty
good at growing melons. And his wants are few. He wants to overthrow a huge and corrupt
church. He wants to prevent a horrible holy war. He wants to stop the persecution of a
philosopher who has dared to suggest that, contrary to the Church's dogma, the Discworld
really does go through space on the back of an enormous turtle (*). He wants
peace and justice and brotherly love. He wants the Inquisition to stop torturing him now,
please. But most of all, what he really wants, more than anything else, is for his god to
Choose Someone Else ...
(*) which is true, but when has that ever mattered?
Victor Gollancz (1992/Hardcover) 0-575-05222-8 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1998/Hardcover) 0-575-06579-6
Corgi (1993/Paperback) 0-552-13890-8
Goldmann (1995/Paperback) 3-442-41566-7
Goldmann (2000/Paperback) 3-442-42132-2
Lords and Ladies (Lords und Ladies) 1992
It's a hot Midsummer Night. The crop circles are turning up everywhere -- even on the
mustard-and-cress of Pewsey Ogg, aged four. And Magrat Garlick, witch, is going to be
married in the morning... Everything ought to be going like a dream. But the Lancre
All-Comers Morris Team have got drunk on a fairy mound and the elves have come back,
bringing all those things traditionally associated with the magical, glittering
realm of Faerie: cruelty, kidnapping, malice and evil, evil murder.(*) Granny Weatherwax
and her tiny argumentative coven have really got their work cut out this time...
With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris Dancers and one orang-utan.
And lots of hey-nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.
(*) But with tons of style.
Victor Gollancz (1992/Hardcover) 0-575-05223-6 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1998/Hardcover) 0-575-06578-8
Corgi (1993/Paperback) 0-552-13891-6
Goldmann (1995/Paperback) 3-442-42580
Goldmann (2000/Paperback) 3-442-44675-9 (announced 09/00)
Men At Arms (Helle Barden) 1993
'Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN!' But what it's got includes
Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Cuddy (really a dwarf),
Lance-constable Detritius (a troll), Lance-constable Angua (a woman...most of the time)
and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified from the human race for shoving). And they need all the
help they can get. Because they've only got twenty-four hours to clean up the town and
this is Ankh-Morpork we're talking about...
Victor Gollancz (1993/Paperback) 0-575-05503-0 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1998/Paperback) 0-575-06577-X
Corgi (1994/Paperback) 0-552-14029-5
Goldmann (1996/Paperback) 3-442-43048-8 |
Soul Music (Rollende Steine) 1994
Other children get given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her Grandfather to take his
vest off. Yes. There's a Death in the family. - It's hard to grow up normally when
Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe - especially when you have to take
over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the tooth fairy. - And especially
when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered Discworld. It's
lawless. It changes people. It's called Music With Rocks In. It's got beat and
you can dance to it, but... it's alive. And it won't fade away.
Victor Gollancz (1994/Hardcover) 0-575-05504-9
Victor Gollancz (1999/Hardcover) 0-575-068..-.
Corgi (1995/Paperback) 0-552-14029-5
Goldmann (1996/Paperback) 3-442-41589-6 |
Interesting Times (Echt Zauberhaft) 1994
Mighty battles! Revolution! Death! War! (And his sons Terror and Panic, and daughter
Clancy) The oldest and most inscrutable empire on the Discworld is in turmoil,
brought about by the revolutionary treatise What I did on My Holidays. Workers
are uniting, with nothing to loose but their water buffalos. War (and Clancy) are
spreading throughout the ancient cities. - And all that stands in the way of terrible doom
for everyone is : Rincewind the Wizard, who can't even spell the word 'wizard'... Cohen
the barbarian hero, five foot tall in his surgical sandals, who has had a lifetime's
experience of not dying... and a very special butterfly.
Victor Gollancz (1994/Hardcover) 0-575-05223-6 [out of print]
Victor Gollancz (1999/Hardcover) 0-575-06688-1
Corgi (1995/Paperback) 0-552-14235-2
Goldmann (1997/Paperback) 3-442-41599-3 |
Maskerade (Mummenschanz) 1995
The Opera House, Ankh Morpork . . . a huge, rambling building, where masked figures and
hooded shadows do wicked deeds in the wings . . . where dying the death on stage is a
little bit more than just a metaphor . . . where innocent young sopranos are lured to
their destiny by an evil mastermind in a hideously deformed evening dress . . . Where . .
. there's a couple of old ladies in pointy hats eating peanuts in the stalls and looking
at the big chandelier and saying things like: 'There's an accident waiting to happen if
ever I saw one'. Yes . . . Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, the Discworld's greatest
witches, are back for an innocent night at the opera. So there's going to be trouble
(but nevertheless a good evening's entertainment with murders you can really hum)
Victor Gollancz (1995/Hardcover) 0-575-05808-0
Corgi (1996/Paperback) 0-552-14236-0
Goldmann (1997/Paperback) 3-442-41593-4 |
Feet of Clay (Hohle Köpfe) 1996
There's a werewolf with pre-lunar tension in Ankh-Morpork, and a dwarf with attitude and a
golem who's begun to think for itself. - But for Commander Vimes, Head of Ankh-Morpork
City Watch, that's only the start... There's treason in the air. A crime has happened.
He's not only got to find whodunit, but howdunit too. He's not even sure what they dun.
But as soon as he knows what the questions are, he's going to want some answers.
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-05900-1
Corgi (1997/Paperback) 0-552-14237-9
Goldmann (1998/Paperback) 3-442-41539-x |
Hogfather (Schweinsgalopp) 1996
It's the night before Hogswatch. And it's too quiet. - There's snow, there're robins,
there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of a big fat man who
delivers the toyd... He's gone. Susan the governess has to find him before
morning, otherwise the sun won't rise. And unfortunately her only helpers are a raven with
an eyeball fixation, the Death of Rats and an oh god of hangovers. - Worse still, someone
is coming down the chimney. This time he's carrying a sack instead of a scythe, but
there's somethingt regrettably familiar... HO. HO. HO. It's true what they say....
"You'd better watch out..."
Victor Gollancz (1996/Hardcover) 0-575-06403-X
Corgi (1997/Paperback) 0-552-14542-4
Goldmann (1998/Paperback) 3-442-41631-0 |
Jingo (Fliegende Fetzen) 1997
A weathercock has risen from the sea of Discworld, and suddenly you can tell which way the
wind is blowing. A new land has surfaced, and so have old feuds. And as two armies march,
Commander Vimes of Ankh-Morpork City Watch has got just a few hours to deal with a crime
so big that there's no law against it. It's called "war". He's facing unpleasant
foes who are out to get him... that's just the people on his side. The enemy might even me
worse. And his pocket Dis-organizer says he's got Die under 'Things To Do Today'.
But he'd better not, because the world's cleverest inventor and its most devious
politician are on their way with a little package that's guaranteed to stop a battle.
Discworld goes to war, with armies of sardines, warriors, fishermen, squid and at least
one very camp follower.
Victor Gollancz (1997/Hardcover) 0-575-06540-0
Corgi (1998/Paperback) 0-552-14598-X
Goldmann(1999/Paperback) 3-442-41625-6 |
The Last Continent (Heiße Hüpfer) 1998
This is the Discworld's last continent, a completely separate creation. It's hot. It's
dry... very dry. There was this thing once called The Wet, which no one now really
believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best
bloody place in the world, all right? And it'll die in a few days, except... Who is this
hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior,
beer drinker, bush ranger and someone who'll even eat a Meat Pie Floater when he's sober
? A man in a hat, whose Luggage follows him on little legs, who's about to change history
by preventing a swagman stealing a jumbuck with a billabong? Yes... all this place has
been itself and wind-blown doom is Rincewind, the inept wizard who can't even spell
wizard. He's the only hero left. Still... no worries, eh?
Doubleday (1998/Hardcover) 0-385-40989-3
Corgi (1999/Paperback) 0-552-14614-5
Goldmann (1999/Paperback) 3-442-41646-9
Carpe Jugulum (Ruhig Blut!) 1998
Mightly Oats has not picked a good time to be a priest. He thought he'd come to the
mountain kingdom of Lancre for a simple little religious ceremony. Now he's up in a war
between vampires and witches, and he's not sure if there is a right side. There's
the witches - young Agnes, who is really in two minds about everything, Magrat who is
trying to combine witchcraft and nappies, Nanny Ogg who is far to knowing ... and Granny
Weatherwax, who is big trouble. And the Vampires are intelligent - not easily got rid of
with a garlic enema or by going to the window, grasping the curtains and saying, 'I don't
know about you, but isn't it a bit stuffy in here?' They've got style and fancy waistcoats.
They're out of their casket and want a bite of the future. Mightly Oats knows he has a
prayer, but he wishes he had an axe.
Doubleday (1998/Hardcover) 0-385-40992-3
Corgi (1999/Paperback) 0-552-14615-3
Goldmann (1999/Paperback) 3-442-41652-3 |
The Fifth Elephant (Der Fünfte Elephant) 1999
Sam Vimes is a man on the run. Yesterday he was a duke, a chief of police and the ambassador to the mysterious
fat-rich country of Uberwald. Now he has nothing but his native wit and the gloomy trousers of Uncle Vanya (don't ask).
It's snowing. It's freezing. And if he can't make it through the forest to civilisation there's going to be a terrible war. But
there are monsters on his trail. They're bright. They're fast. They're werewolves, and they're catching up. Sam Vimes is
out of time, out of luck, and already out of breath...
Doubleday (1999/Hardcover) 0-385-409-958
Corgi (2000/Paperback) 0-552-14616-1
Goldmann (2000/Hardcover) 3-442-54509-9
The Truth (Die volle Wahrheit) 2000
William de Worde is the accidental editor of the Discworld's first newspaper. Now he must cope with
the traditional perils of a journalist's life - people who want him dead, a recovering vampire with
a suicidal fascination for flash photography, some more people who want him dead in a different way
and, worst of all, the man who keeps begging him to publish pictures of his humorously shaped potatoes.
William just wants to get at THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to get at William. And
it's only the third edition...
Doubleday (2000/Hardcover) 0-385-60102-6
Corgi (2001/Paperback) 0-552-14768-0
Goldmann (2001/Hardcover) 3-442-54518-8 |
Thief of Time (Der Zeitdieb) 2001
Time is a resource. Everyone knows it has to be managed. And on the Discworld that is the job of
the Monks of History, who store it and pump it from the places where it is wasted (like underwater -
how much time does a codfish need?) to places where there is never enough time. But the
construction of the world's first truly accurate clock starts a race against, well, time for Lu
Tze and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd. Because it will stop time. And that will only be the start
of everyone's problems.
Doubleday (2001/Hardcover) 0-385-60188-3
Corgi (2002/Paperback) 0-552-14840-7
Goldmann (2002/Hardcover) 3-442-54528-5 |
The Last Hero (Wahre Helden) 2001
He's been a legend in his own lifetime. He can remember when a hero didn't have to worry about
fences and lawyers and civilisation, and when people didn't tell you off for killing dragons.
But he can't always remember, these days, where he put his teeth ... So now, with his ancient
sword and his new walking stick and his old friends -- and they're very old friends -- Cohen
the Barbarian is going on one final quest. He's going to climb the highest mountain in the
Discworld and meet his gods. The last hero in the world is going to return what the first hero
stole. With a vengeance. That'll mean the end of the world, if no one stops him in time.
Gollancz (2001/Hardcover) 0-575-06885-X
EOS (2002/Paperback) 0-060-50777-2
Goldmann (2001/Hardcover) 3-442-54531-5 |
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
(Maurice, der Kater) 2001
Imagine a million clever rats. Rats that don't run. Rats that fight...
Maurice, a streetwise tomcat, has the perfect money-making scam. He's found a
stupid-looking kid who plays a pipe, and he has his very own plage of rats -
rats who are strangely educated, so Maurice can no longer think of them as
"lunch". And everone knows the stories about rats and pipers...
But when they reach the stricken town of Bad Blintz, the little con suddenly
goes down the drain. For someone there is playing a different tune. A dark,
shadowy tune. Something very, very bad is waiting in the cellars.
The educated rats must learn a new word.
It's not a game any more. It's a rat-eat-rat world down there. And that might
only be the start...
Doubleday (2001/Hardcover) 0-385-60123-9
Corgi (2004/Paperback) 0-552-55202-X
Goldmann (2004/Hardcover) 3-442-54570-6
Night Watch (Die Nachtwächter) 2002
Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch had it all. But now he's
back in his own rough, tough past without even the clothes he was standing
up in when the lightning struck.
Living in the past is hard. Dying in the past is incredibly easy. But he
must survive, because he has a job to do. He must track down a murderer,
teach his younger self how to be a good copper and change the outcome of
a bloody rebellion. There's a problem: if he wins, he's got no wife, no
child, no future.
A Discworld Tale of One City, with a full chorus of street urchins, ladies
of negotiable affection, rebels, secret policemen and other children of
the revolution.
Truth! Justice! Freedom! And a Hard-Boiled Egg!
Doubleday (2002/Hardcover) 0-385-60264-2
Corgi (2003/Paperback) 0-552-14899-7
Goldmann (2003/Hardcover) 3-442-54536-6 |
The Wee Free Men (Kleine Freie Männer)
There's trouble on the Aiching farm - a monster in the river, a headless
horseman in the drivweway and nightmares spreading down from the hills.
And now Tiffany Aiching's little brother has been stolen by the Queen of
the Fairies (although Tiffany doesn't think this is entirely a bad thing).
Tiffany's got to get him back. To help her, she has a weapon (a frying pan),
her granny's magic book (well, Diseases of the Sheep, actually)
and -
- oh, yes. She's also got the Nac Mac Feegle, the Wee Free Men, the fightin',
thievin', tiny blue-skinned pictsies who were thrown out of Fairyland for
being Drunk and Disordery...
Doubleday (2003/Hardcover) 0-385-60533-1
Corgi (2004/Paperback) 0-552-54905-3
Goldmann (2004/Hardcover) 3-442-54586-2
Monstrous Regiment (Weiberregiment) 2003
It began as a sudden strange fancy... Polly Perks had to become a boy in a hurry. Cutting off her hair and wearing
trousers was easy. Learning to fart and belch in public and walk like an ape took more time... And now she's enlisted
in the army, and is searching for her lost brother. But there's a war on. There's always a war on. And Polly and her fellow
recruits are suddenly in the thick of it, without any training and the enemy is hunting them. All they have on their side
is the most artful sergeant in the army and a vampire with a lust for coffee. Well... they have the Secret. And as they
take the war to the heart of the enemy, they hacve to use all the resources of... the Monstrous Regiment.
Doubleday (2003/Hardcover) 9-780385-603409
Corgi (2004/Paperback) 0-552-14941-1
Goldmann (2004/Hardcover) 3-442-54564-1 |
A Hat Full of Sky (-) 2004
A real witch can ride a broomstick, cast spells and make a proper shamble
out of everything. Eleven-year-old Tiffany Aching can't. A real
witch never casually steps out of her body, leaving it empty. Tiffany
does. And there's something just waiting for a handy body to take over.
Something ancient and horrible, which can't die. Now she's got to fight
back and learn to be a real witch really quickly, with the help of arch-witch
Mistress Weatherwax and the truly amazing Miss Level....
Oh, yes. And the Nac Mac Feelge - the rowdiest, toughest, smelliest bunch
of fairies ever to be thrown out of Fairlyland for being drunk at two in
the afternoon. They'll fight anything. And even they might not be enough...
Doubleday (2003/Hardcover) 0-385-60736-0
Going Postal (Ab die Post) 2004
Moist van Lipwig is a con artist and a fraud and a man faced with a life choice: be hanged, or put Ankh-Morpork's
ailing postal service back on its feet. It's a tough decision. But he's got to see that the mail gets through, come
rain, hail, sleet, dogs, the Post Office Workers Friendly and Benevolent Society, the evil chairman of the Grand Trunk
Semaphore Company and a midnight killer. Getting a date with Adora Bell Dearhart would be nice, too. Maybe it'll take
a criminal to succeed wher ehonest men have failed, or maybe it's a death sentence either way. Or perhaps there's a
shot at redemption in the mad world of the mail, waiting for a man who's prepared to push the envelope...
Doubleday (2004/Hardcover) 9-78035-603423
Corgi (2005/Paperback) 0-552-14943-8 (announced 10/05)
Goldmann (2005/Hardcover) 3-442-54565-X |
Thud! (-) 2005
Koom Valley? That was where the trolls ambushed the dwarfs, or the trolls
ambushed the dwarfs. It was far away. It was a long time ago. But if he
doesn't solve the murder of just one dwarf, Commander Sam Vimes of Ankh-Morpork
City Watch is going to see it fought again, right outside his office. With
his beloved Watch crumbling around him and war-drums sounding, he must unravel
every clue, outwit every assassin and brave any darkness to find the solution.
And darkness is following him. Oh...and at six o'clock every day, without
fall, with no excuses, he must go home to read 'Where's My Cow?', with all
the right farmyard noises, to his little boy. There are some things you
have to do.
Doubleday (2005/Hardcover) 0-385-60867-5 (announced for October 2005) |
The Omnibus Editions |
The Witches Trilogy (-) 1995
Witches are not by nature gregarious and they certainly don't have leaders.
Granny Weatherwax was the most highly regarded of the leaders they didn't have...
Here are three novels featuring one of Terry Pratchett's most celebrated characters,
along with her sidekicks, the fertile Nanny Ogg and the New Age's favourite witch,
Magrat Garlick:
Equal Rites
Women aren't supposed to be wizards - but nobody told Eskarina, the eighth daughter of
an eighth son, when she inherited her father's [sic] staff, and with Granny Weatherwax's
reluctant help she sets out to learn her new calling.
Wyrd Sisters
In which Granny discovers that meddling in royal politics is a lot more difficult
than certain playwrights would have you believe.
Witches Abroad
The funniest Grand Tour anywhere, as Granny, Nanny and Magrat travel to distant Genua - to
make sure a servant girl doesn't marry the prince.
Victor Gollancz (Hardcover/1995) 0-575-05896-X [out of print]
The Death Trilogy (-) 1995
Introducing the Discworld's most popular character - the fellow with the white horse
and the ultimate weight-loss programme ... DEATH
Here are three novels featuring Terry Pratchett's most celebrated denizen of the
Discworld, together with the usual motley cast, including Death's granddaughter
Susan, Binky and the Death of Rats.
Death, having delegated most of his duties to his new apprentice,
the uncompromising, gangling teenager Mort, is showing disturbingly
human characteristics: drinking, dice-playing and becoming curious
about the nature of Fun ...
Reaper Man
Death is missing, presumed . . . er . . . gone. Which leads to the
kind of chaos you always get when an important public service is
Soul Music
It's hard to grow up normally when grandfather rides a white horse
and wields a scythe - especially when you have to take over the family
business and everyone keeps mistaking you for the Tooth Fairy.
But Susan must face the new music that has entered the Discworld:
it's lawless, it changes people . . . it's called Music With Rocks
In. And it won't fade away . . .
Victor Gollancz (Hardcover/1998) 0-575-06584-2
The City Watch Trilogy (-) 1999
Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN! (Or dwarves or trolls or gargoyles
or werewolves...)
The City Watch is a bumper volume containing three of Terry Pratchett's celebrated
novels in which those noble defenders of Ankh-Morpork, the greatest city of the Discworld,
come face to face with some of the most heinous crimes in history.
Guards! Guards!
Some night-time prowler is turning the (mostly) honest citizens of Ankh-Morpork into
something resembling small charcoal biscuits. And that's a real problem for Captain Vimes,
who must tramp the mean streets of the naked city looking for a seventy-foot-long
fire-breathing dragon which, he believes, can help him with his enquiries.
Men at Arms
There's evil in the air and murder afoot and something very nasty in the streets.
And it'd help if it could all be sorted out by noon, because that's when Captain
Vimes is officially retiring, handing in his badge and getting married.
Feet of Clay
Someone is murdering harmless old men and poisoning the Patrician. As autumn fogs hold
Ankh-Morpork in their grip, the City Watch have to track down a murderer who can't be seen,
and the golems, who may know something, have started committing suicide. Who can you trust when
there are mobs on the street and plotters in the dark and all the clues are pointing the wrong way?
Victor Gollancz (Hardcover/1999) 0-575-06798-5
Books about the Discworld |
The Discworld Companion (Die Scheibenwelt von A-Z) 1994 [with Stephen Briggs]
The Discworld can be a hazadrous and confusing planet : the whole place fair
crackles with raw magic and mayhem. For safety's sake, you need an expert companion. - So,
Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs, respectively chronicler and cartographer, have
helpfully produced this, the one and only definitive guide to the flat planet - its
geography, its flora and fauna, its (many) religions, its architecture and customs, and,
of course, its outstanding personalities. - If you need to know what Death keeps on his
desk, or what Bestiality Carter does for a living, or, for the really adventurous, where
to get a curry in Ankh-Morpork(*), or, indeed, anything else about the Discworld, then
this is the book for you.
(*)Klatchian Curry Gardens, corner of God Street and Blood Alley. Don't use the kitchen
Victor Gollancz (1994/Hardcover) 0575-05764-5
Victor Gollancz (1995/Paperback) 0575-06002-6
Vista (1997/Paperback/Updated Version) 0575-60030-6
Goldmann (1996/Paperback) 3-442-43263-4 |
The Streets of Ankh-Morpork (Die Strassen von Ankh-Morpork) 1993
[with Stephen Briggs]
Ankh-Morpork! City of One Thousand Surprises (according to the famous publication
by the Guild of Merchants)! All human life is there! Although, if it walks down the wrong
alley, often quite briefly! - The city celebrated in the bestselling Discworld series by
Terry Pratchett has been meticuously mapped for the first time. It's all here - from Unseen
University to the Shades, from major landmarks like the Patrician's
Palace to little, er, nooks like the Dwarf Bread Museum in Whirligig
Alley. See the famous streets along which so many heroes have walked, in some cases
quite hurriedly! As leading Ankh-Morpork entrepreneur C.M.O.T. Dibbler would say : A snip
at any price - and that's cutting our own throat. Well, close.
Corgi (1993/folded map with index in card cover) 0552-14161-5
Goldmann (1996/gefaltete Karte mit Index im Pappcover) 3-442-24719-5 |
The Discworld Mapp (Die Scheibenwelt-Karte) 1995
[with Stephen Briggs]
They said it couldn't be done. Well it has been done, proving them wrong once again. After
years of research, cunningly contrived in as many minutes the Discworld has its map. It
takes full account of the historic and much-documented expeditions of the Discworld's
feted (or at least fated) explorers : General Sir Roderick Purdeigh, Lars Larsnephew,
Llamendos Jones, Lady Alice Venturi, Ponce da Quirm and, of course, Venter Borass. - Nor
travellers on this circular world can see it all : from Klatch to the Ramtops, from Cori
Celesti to the Circle Sea, from Genau to Bhangbgangduc. The great cities of Hunghung,
Pseudopolis, Al Khali and, of course, Ankh- Morpork are placed with loving care upon this
world which is carries through space by Great A'Tuin."
Corgi (1993/folded map with index in card cover) 0552-14324-3
Goldmann (1996/gefaltete Karte mit Index im Pappcover) 3-443-24719-5 |
A Tourist Guide to Lancre (-) 1998 [with
Stephen Briggs & Paul Kidby]
Not only an artistic and breathtaking view of Lancre but also an interesting and
informative guide to one of the Discworld's more, er, picturesque kingdoms.
Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick live there. Lancre could hardly be
somewhere ordinary, could it ?
Magic glues the Discworld together and a lot of it ends up in Lancre, principal Kingdom of
the Ramtop Mountains. Between Uberwald and Whale Bay, the Octarine Grass Country and the
Widdershins Ocean lies the most exciting and dangerous terrain in all Discworld. The
Ramtops supply Discworld with most of its witches and wizards. The leaves on the trees in
the Ramtops move even when there is no breeze. Rocks go for a stroll in the evening. Even
the land, at times, seems alive.
The mapp may only be two-dimensional, but watch it very carefully
and you might see it jostle about a bit.
Corgi (1998/Paperback) 0-552-14608-0 |
Death's Domain (-) 1999
[with Paul Kidby]
The house that Death built... and the garden too.
Everyone needs a place to relax after a long day, after all. So here is the place where
the Grim Reaper can kick back and take the load off his scythe. Here's the golf course
that's not so much crazy as insane, and the useless maze, and the dark gardens - all
brought (incongruously) to life. And here, for the first time ever, you will find out the
reason why Death can't understand rockeries and what happens to garden gnomes.
As Death rides Binky into the sunset (of other people's lives), you can at last see what
he gets up to when he's not at work.
Corgi (1999/Paperback) 0-552-14672-2 |
The Pratchett Portfolio (Das Scheibenwelt-Album)
1996 [with Paul Kidby]
Terry Pratchett's incredible Discworld, floating through space on the backs of four
elephants standing on a giant turtule, supports some of the most popular charakters ever
imagined in the worlds of fantasy fiction.
But the Discworld people are real, even if their world is a littel fantastic. Readers have
their favourites and debastes rage as to exactly how they really look.
Now they're here, warts (except in the cast of Granny Weatherwax) and all. Terry Pratchett
and artist Paul Kidby have got together to imagine everyone, from Rincewind the
incompetent Wizard to Greebo the rather human cat, in sketches and fabulous full-colour
These are the Discworld people - REAL!
Victor Gollancz (1996/Paperback) 0-575-06348-3
Goldmann (2001/Paperback) 3-442-44422-5 (announced 01/01)
The Science of the Discworld (Die Gelehrten
der Scheibenwelt) 1999
[with Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen]
In the high-energy magic facility at Unseen University, the wizards have created a miniature cosmos
that includes Roundworld, known to us as Earth. As they bicker over the meaning of this--to them--unfeasible
and bizarre planet, we go on a tour of Big Science. From astrophysics to quantum mechanics,
the interleaved chapters give us a briefing on the history and the present state of play of our
scientific learning, while stressing always the limits of our knowledge.
Ebury Press (1999/Hardcover) 0-09-186515-8
Ebury Press (2000/Paperback) 0-09-187477-7
Ebury Press (2002/Paperback) 0-09-188657-0 (Revised Edition)
Goldmann (2000/Paperback) 3-453-17330-9
The Science of the Discworld II - The Globe
(Rettet die Rundwelt) 2002
[with Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen]
The planet Earth has picked up a parasitic life form -- elves. They get everywhere.
And they like humans to be superstitious, fearful and frightened of thunder.
They're after our future and must be stopped... but by whom?
Enter the wizards of the Unseen University who, in the best-selling The
Science of Discworld, unwittingly created Earth and our own universe.
At the time they quite failed to notice humanity. (Well, we've only been around
for a million years, so we're easily overlooked...) But now, at last, they've
found us.
In The Science of Discworld II science writers Ian Stewart and Jack
Cohen join forces again with fantasy author Terry Pratchett to see just what
happens as the wizards battle against the elves. The Renaissance, for example,
is given a push. London is replaced by a dozy Neanderthal village. The role
of fat women in art is developed. And one very famous playwright gets born
and writes The Play.
The Globe is a unique book, weaving together a fast-paced Discworld
novelette with cutting edge scientific commentary on the evolution and development
of the human mind, culture, language, art, and science. The result -- as the
wizards grapple with the nature of Good and Evil, and history is rewritten
several times over -- is a fascinating and brilliantly original view of the
world we live in.
Ebury Press (2002/Hardcover) 0-09-188273-7
Ebury Press (2003/Paperback) 0-09-188805-0
Heyne (2003/Hardcover) 3-453-86174-4
The Science of the Discworld III - Darwin's
Watch 2005
[with Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen]
Roundworld is in trouble again, and this time it looks fatal. Having created
it in the first place, the wizards of Unseen University feel vaguely responsible
for its safety. They know the creatures who lived there escaped the impending
Big Freeze by inventing the space elevator - they even intervened to rid
the planet of a plague of elves, who attempted to divert humanity onto a
different time track. But now it's all gone wrong - Victorian England has
stagnated and the pace of progress would embarrass a limping snail. Unless
something drastic is done, there won't be time for anyone to invent spaceflight
and the human race will be turned into ice-pops. Why, though, did history
come adrift? Was it Sir Arthur Nightingale's dismal book about natural selection?
Or was it the devastating response by an obscure country vicar called Charles
Darwin, whose bestselling Theology of Species made it impossible to refute
the divine design of living creatures? Either way, it's no easy task to
change history, as the wizards discover to their cost. Can the God of Evolution
come to humanity's aid and ensure Darwin writes a very different book? And
who stopped him writing it in the first place?
Ebury Press (2005/Hardcover) 0-09-189823-4 |
Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (Nanny Oggs Kochbuch)
[with Tina Hannan, Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby]
A useful and improving Almanack of Information including Astonishing Recipes from
Terry Pratchett's Discworld.
`They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, which just goes to
show they're as confused about anatomy as they gen'rally are about everything
else, unless they're talking about instructions on how to stab him, in which case
a better way is up and under the ribcage. Anyway, we do not live in a perfect world
and it is foresighted and useful for a young woman to become proficient at those arts
which will keep a weakwilled man from straying. Learning to cook is also useful.'
Nanny Ogg, one of Discworld's most famous witches, is passing on some of her huge collection
of tasty and above all interesting recipes, since everyone else is doing it. But in
addition to the delights of the Strawberry Wobbler and Nobby's Mum's Distressed Pudding,
Mrs Ogg imparts her thoughts on life, death, etiquette (`If you go to other people's
funerals they'll be sure to come to yours'), courtship, children and weddings, all in a
refined style that should not offend the most delicate of sensibilities. Well, not much.
Most of the recipes have been tried out on people who are still alive.
Mrs Ogg Gratefully Acknowledges the Assistance in this Literary Argosy of
Mr Terry Pratchett, Mr Stephen Briggs, Mlle Tina Hannan and Master Paul
Doubleday (1999/Hardcover) 0-385-60005-4
Corgi (2001/Paperback) 0-552-14673-0
Goldmann (2001/Hardcover) 3-442-45050-0 |
The Unseen University Challenge (Das Scheibenwelt-Quizbuch) 1996
[by David Langford]
Trolls have smashed down the door, there's a banshee on the roof, the river's caught fire,
the librarian has turned into some kind of ape, and this is your starter for ten ...
Questions about figgins, DEATH, mind-destroying footnotes, carnivorous Luggage with lots
of little legs, quantum butterflies, the magico-numerical significance of what we must
call twice four or seven plus one, and even the precise sex of the Great Turtle who
supports Terry Pratchett's phenomenal planet (via four elephant middlemen).
Vista (1996/Paperback) 0575-60000-4
Goldmann (2000/Paperback) 3-442-44514-0 |
The Wyrdest Link - A Terry Pratchett Discworld
Quizbook (-) 2002
[by David Langford]
A follow-up to the highly successful Discworld Unseen University Quizbook,
The Wyrdest Link will present itself as qualifying tests for various
levels of mastery in Ankh-Morpork City's Guilds and other organisations
- from the dignified Thieves' Guild to illicit outfits like the feared Breccia
(the trolls' Mafia) or the wholly reprehensive Elucidated Brethren of the
Ebon Night (see Guards! Guards!). As before, the straight Discworld
general knowledge inquisition - presented with offbeat twists and linking
themes - will be varied with trick questions, outrageous bogglers, and the
occasional near-impossible poser to suit all levels of Discworld fans.
Gollancz (2002/Paperback) 0575-07319-5 |
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